The 15-year old Andrea is dependent on assistance after having suffered from a brain tumour. She has been impaired in her mobility ever since. Especially at school she is in need of personal assistance. Personal assistance means that a teacher has to be with her during classes. It is the only way in which she can participate. Andrea’s parents found the perfect environment for Andrea at the St. Josef private school in their hometown Feldkirch. The state of Vorarlberg took over the costs for Andrea’s personal assistance. After successfully finishing the ninth compulsory school year the parents applied for another three years of assistance at the private school. The state informed the parents that now the financial support definitely fell under the responsibility of the Federal State.
In fact assistance for handicapped schoolchildren in private schools is guaranteed exclusively for the time of compulsory school age. After the ninth school year the Federal State exclusively supports assistance at public schools. However, the parents fear that the public school may overwhelm their daughter since it is two years longer than a private school. The public five-year home economics school trains their scholars for the hotel and service sector – exceeding Andrea’s possibilities. The three-year private school in the familiar environment is nearer and more adequate for Andrea. Due to the school’s educational orientation their daughter would have a realistic possibility for an independent life.
The state of Vorarlberg declared that it would financially support Andrea’s personal assistance for another year. However, it reserved a right to claim for the return. During the broadcast Ombudswoman Stoisits put the emphasis on the human factor. However, she also stated that the Federal State did not experience extra costs by coming up for the expenses since the assistance would have to be paid for anyway in the case of a public school. “Education should not suffer due to formalities”, the Ombudswoman stated.
The representative of the Federal Ministry for Education emphasized the importance of the wellbeing of the child and in exceptional cases – lacking public schools in a reasonable distance – the costs for personal assistance can be taken over. Andrea’s assistance seems to be completely secured.
In the broadcast of December 11th, 2010 abutters from the surroundings of a fruit transportation enterprise in Wels complained about air pollution, vibrations and running engine noise. The situation had become especially grave ten years before after the enterprise had moved its headquarters to Wels while closing down its franchises in nearby towns. The neighbourhood was confronted with a 300 % rise traffic. The main problems were engine noise, truck traffic and a lacking business enterprise parking authorization. The enterprise kept on proposing new projects which were supposed to bring improvement. However, in the end the projects never had been filed.
At the time Ombudswoman Terezija Stoisits promised to examine the authorities’ work and demanded a quick solution of the problem. In the current broadcast the Ombudswoman was happy to report about positive developments: “The plant authorization for the southern parking lot has finally been started.”
At the moment the southern parking lot which presented to be the main reason for the community’s uproar is subject to a one year trial authorization. During this period of time the necessary measures are being established which will make a long-term use possible. Long-term noise measurements are also planned. Both surveyors enjoy the community’s full trust. The long-term noise measurements are also welcomed by the community. “Hence, there is realistic hope for improvement”, says the Ombudswoman.