Ombudsperson and IOI Secretary General Schwarz with Authorised Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights Eshmatova 2.jpg
Two Korean women and a Korean man, an Austrian woman and an Austrian man standing in front of the presswall of the Austrian Ombudsman Board.
Group of 15 people in front of the press wall at the AOB in Vienna, consisting of 5 women and 10 men.
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A woman with blond short hair wearing white trousers and a pink blazer and a man with short dark hair wearing a dark blue suit and tie holding together a box with the welcome present.
Ombudsperson Schwarz wearing a light violet dress holding the Burgenländerin Award 2024, in the back of the presswall of the award.
Group of female employess of the Austrian Ombudsman Board together with Ombudsperson Schwarz in front of the press wall.
Man in his middle ages with glasses wearing a dark suit and tie and a woman with short blond hair wearing a black dress and a light grey blazer. Both standing with folded hands looking into the camera.
Ombudsman Achitz, Isiba, CEO of the NGO ZARA - Civil Courage & Anti-Racism-Work and Horn from the  Austrian League for Human Rights sitting in front of the press wall of the Austrian Ombudsman Board.