Are you searching for the contact data of the Patient Ombudsman in your province, and would you like to call the nearest Judiciary Ombudsman’s office or contact the European Ombudsman? All of the information can be found here.
You can find the addresses of the provincial Ombudsman Boards in Tyrol and Vorarlberg as well as the contact information of the Federal Disability Ombudsman Board and the Ombudsman Board for Equal Opportunities.
Vorarlberg provincial Ombudsman Board: Monitors the provincial and local government administration and the indirect Federal administration. The contact information can be found here.
Tyrol provincial Ombudsman Board: Monitors the provincial and local government administration and the indirect Federal administration. The contact information can be found here.
Judiciary Ombudsman Offices: These offices handle requests and complaints relating to the activities of the courts throughout Austria. They must, however, remain impartial during an ongoing process. You can find the contact information of the judiciary ombudsman offices in Vienna, Linz, Graz and Innsbruck here.
Federal Disability Ombudsman Board: This board is available to offer support if somebody feels discriminated against as a result of having a disability as defined by the law for equal treatment of disabled people. You can find its contact information here.
Ombudsman Board for Equal Opportunities: this board deals with all matters relating to equal treatment of women and men in the workplace and is available at regional offices. You can find its contact information here.
Patient Ombudsman Board: This board assesses complaints about public hospitals, care homes and numerous social institutions in each province.
Burgenland Health and Patient Ombudsman
Lower Austria Patient and Nursing Ombudsman
Upper Austria Patient Representative
Salzburg Patient Representative
Styrian Patient Ombudswoman:
Tel.: (+43) 0316 877-3350. E-mail: ppo@stmk.gv.atVienna Nursing and Patient Ombudsman Board
Environmental and Nature Conservation Ombudsman Boards: These are independent institutions of the provinces. The Environmental Ombudsman or Ombudswoman works objectively without supervision in most provinces. You can find their contact information here.
Authorities and institutions
The Ombudsman board is also active internationally and in Europe. You can find important links here.
International Ombudsman Institute: This is the only global interest group for independent bodies for the control of administrative authorities. The just under 150 I.O.I. members are national, regional and local ombudsman institutions from approx. 75 states. The General Secretariat of the I.O.I has been located in Vienna at the headquarters of the Ombudsman board since September 2009.
European citizens’ representative: Examines complaints about maladministration in EU institutions. Private individuals resident in an EU country and companies can lodge a complaint. The Ombudsman board and/or the provincial Ombudsman board in Tyrol and Vorarlberg is/are responsible for answering questions on implementing EU law in Austria.
European ombudsman institute: The European ombudsman institute with its headquarters in Innsbruck is a centre of excellence for exchanging information between European ombudsman institutions, Committees on Petitions and interested experts.
Council of Europe : The Council of Europe with its headquarters in Strasbourg (France) currently has 47 member states and therefore encompasses almost all European states. It was founded in 1949 in an attempt to develop common and democratic principles throughout Europe. The basis for the council are the European Convention for Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of the rights of individuals.
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, OHCHR):
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights strives to achieve global recognition of and adherence to human rights, encourages international cooperation on human rights and promotes the global ratification and implementation of agreements on human rights.
ICC (International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights) : The ICC is a combination of national human rights institutions (NHRI) whose objective is to enhance and launch additional human rights institutions.
UN Subcommission on Prevention of Torture (Subcommission on Prevention of Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, SPT):
The UN Subcommission on Prevention of Torture (SPT) and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatments consists of 25 independent experts from the fields of law, medicine and law enforcement from the different member states of the UN Optional Protocol. The SPT is able to visit all places where people are deprived of liberty and supports and advises the national prevention mechanisms.
European Commission on Prevention of Torture (Commission for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, CPT): The European Commission on Prevention of Torture was created with the signing of the Council of European Convention on Prevention of Torture in 1987. The CPT consists of independent experts from different specialist disciplines. Each member state of the Council of Europe has a representative. The CPT conducts regular ad-hoc visits to all places where people are deprived of their liberty.