IOI Secretary General Günther Kräuter visits Dublin
Peter Tyndall, newly elected President of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) welcomed IOI Secretary General Günther Kräuter to the Ombudsman offices on Leeson Street on 31 January 2017. Mr Kräuter was accompanied by members of the IOI Secretarial Staff.
The group worked on topics such as planning IOI work for the next year including training for members, developing best practice guidelines in respect of Ombudsman offices and their work, and also working to support Ombudsman offices who are under threat.
Also discussed was the organisation of the 2020 IOI World Conference to be held in Dublin. All these topics will be further discussed and decided at the next IOI Board meeting which will be held in Vienna in April 2017.
The International Ombudsman Institute (IOI), established in 1978, is the only global organisation for the cooperation of more than 180 independent Ombudsman institutions from more than 90 countries worldwide. In its effort to focus on good governance and capacity building, the IOI directly supports its members in a threefold way: training, research and regional subsidies for projects.
Emer Doyle, Günther Kräuter (IOI Secretary General), Peter Tyndall (IOI President), Ulrike Grieshofer, Karin Wagenbauer, Jacqui McCrum