Stoisits/Kostelka: „The Goestinger Wall“- Closing Of A Railroad-Passing Without A Substitute
„The Goestinger Wall“- Closing Of A Railroad-Passing Without A Substitute
ORF-Series "Bürgeranwalt" (“Advocate for People”) – Broadcast of January 10th 2009
This broadcast of “Bürgeranwalt” on January 31st 2009 dealt with the closing down of a railway passing in tthe district of Gösting in the City of Graz.
The railway Vienna-South Spielfeld/Straß leads across the district of Gösting in the City of Graz and seperates a residential area from its proper infrastructure (schools, post office, banks, churches, etc.). Until August 13th 2008 a railway passing at the Weixelbaumstraße ensured the connection between the two parts of the village and allowed pedestrians, cyclists and car drivers a rapid crossing. On August 13th 2008 the Austrian Federal Railways (OeBB) decided to close down the railroad crossing as a consequence of a new control system in the close up range of the main station in Graz. The new automatic system of the railway crossing gate caused much longer closing times, leading to a closed railway gate for about 15 hours per day. However, the City of Graz agreed to the closing without offering its citizens a sufficient alterna-tive concept. Now thick concrete pillars block the access to the railroad crossing. The inhabitants of Gösting call the newly errected barricade the “Gösting Wall” following the “Berlin Wall”, which also was errected at August 13th.
With the closing of the railroad crossing the inhabitants of Gösting have been deprived of their most important connection to the local infrastructure. Besides elder people es-pecially children are concerned. They are now forced to take a not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous detour of about 500 m, which leads along a narrow heavy traffic road. After promises of a new solution until summer 2008 have been made to the ina-hbitants concerned, Mr. Z. organized a citizen´s action group to draw public attention to the problem. After public protests and the engagement of the Austrian Ombudsman the City of Graz and the OeBB started to consider the creation of a new solution. Nonetheless both of them were very hesitant with the implementation of the selected alternative concept providing a combined cycling/walking subway path. The realization of this combined cycling/walking subway path would require the utilization of estates not belonging to the City of Graz nor to the OeBB. The City of Graz tried to explain the delay with problems in the course of compensation negotiations with the owners of these estates.
In representation of Ombudsman Mr. Kostelka, Ombudswoman Mrs. Terezija Stoisits presented the case. Not considering the objection of the City of Graz, she asked Vice-Mayor Mrs. Lisa Rücker to promote the projected combined cycling/walking subway path. Furtheron Ombudswoman Mrs. Terezija Stoisits complained about the insufficient involvement of the citizens concerend in the project: “There is a lack of communication between the City and its inhabitants.” However, in the course of the broadcast a solution with at least one of the property-owners became apparent. The City of Graz and the OeBB finally agreed to make enforced efforts towards a rapid implematation of the combined cycling/walking subway path in Gösting.