Brinek: Downslope winds in Vienna’s Donaucity – wind comfort study ignored?

January 24, 2009

Downslope winds in Vienna’s Donaucity – wind comfort study ignored?

ORF-Series "Bürgeranwalt" (“Advocate for People”) – Broadcast of January 24th 2009

The broadcast of “Advocate for the People” on 14th February 2009 was dedicated once again to the topic of the downslope winds in Vienna’s Donaucity. Spectacular images showed people bracing themselves against the stormy winds, bicycles being blown over and parents trying to protect their children from the forces of nature: an intolerable situation occurring approximately 70-120 days a year. The attention of the ORF and the Ombudsman Board was already called to the problem four years ago. Both in the discussions at the time and in the correspondence that ensued, the Municipality of Vienna denied all responsibility.

The topic of down-slope winds was given fresh media attention a few months ago when Ms. A. was caught by a gust of wind in the proximity of the Ares Tower and hurled against a lamppost and a perimeter wall. To this day she has not recovered completely from the severe injuries she suffered.

In this context Ombudswoman Gertrude Brinek is questioning the area zoning that was resolved upon in the 90ties and that shows no apparent regard for the particular situation of this storm affected area. She sees no reason to reproach the authority responsible for giving planning permission; she does however blame the Municipality of Vienna for failing to stipulate the according measures when they started with the area zoning.
According to media reports the builder commissioned a so-called “wind comfort analysis” which on the one hand records “hot spots” but also suggests various measures such as spoilers or lamellas and protective walls.

The Town Planning Commission refrained from taking part in the televised discussion. Only representatives were a lawyer representing the builders and an expert from the Austrian Chamber of Architects.

The fact is that the Municipal Council passed a resolution concerning a change in the area zoning plan. What the effect of two more towers on the dangerous situation will be remains open. Ombudswoman Gertrude Brinek sees a clear need for action: “It is not only Ms. A. currently taking legal action for damages who is concerned but 7.500 people working and living in this area who rightly demand that this intolerable situation be rectified.”

The matter is now in the hands of the responsible Town Planning Commission that has been holding out the prospects of ameliorations for months. The Ombudsman Board expects prompt elaboration of a proposal for solution to be implemented in cooperation with the Municipality and operators.


Question mark: a traffic mirror in Berndorf violates personality rights of residents

A solution has been presented for the case of the „traffic safety measures” in Berndorf, which caused two residents of a neighboring house to feel disturbed. The contested traffic mirror giving passers by the possibility to see into the private living rooms was made a meter shorter. Ombudswoman Gertrude Brinek on the subject: “It is regrettable that it took the help of the Ombudsman Board and of the ORF to find a solution for this problem. One might expect more carefulness and good judgment on the part of the responsible authorities.”