AOB presents first report on the activities of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM)
Since 1 July 2012, the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) is also competent for preventive monitoring and therefore monitors and controls all institutions and facilities, in which persons with and without disabilities may be helpless and at risk of abuse, inhuman treatment and measures that restrict their freedom. This investigative mandate means that a total of more than 4,000 public and private institutions and facilities will be monitored and controlled by the AOB. The Austrian Ombudsman Board shall assume these duties as the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) jointly with the Commissions that it has established.
The first report of the Austrian Ombudsman Board on the activities of the National Preventive Mechanism 2012 describes the previous activities relative to preventive monitoring and control and provides information about the investigations undertaken in the period under review. For the first time other stakeholders have the opportunity to voice their opinions in a report of the Austrian Ombudsman Board: The Human Rights Advisory Council as an advisory body and the six Commissions of the Austrian Ombudsman Board, which commenced their work mid-year 2012 and which are undertaking monitoring and control activities on an ongoing basis.
The protection of fundamental rights was always a central priority in the Austrian Ombudsman Board’s ex-post control activities. The violation of human rights was always considered the most serious form of maladministration on the part of authorities. The new mandate of the Austrian Ombudsman Board now ranges from preventive to ex-post monitoring and control of human rights and the rights of persons with disabilities. This significantly increases the opportunities to protect human rights.