- Expert Commissions »
- Federal Commission for the enforcement of penalties and measures »
- Commission 1: Tyrol and Vorarlberg »
- Commission 2: Salzburg and Upper Austria »
- Commission 3: Styria and Carinthia »
- Commission 4: Vienna »
- Commission 5: Vienna and Lower Austria »
- Commission 6: Burgenland and Lower Austria »
Expert Commissions
In order to be able to fulfil its tasks as the Republic’s human rights body, the Austrian Ombudsman Board has set up one federal and six regional commissions.
The expert commissions have unrestricted access to all institutions and receive all the information and documents required to exercise their mandate. They also have, for example, comprehensive access to the medical data of prisoners in police detention centres. The commissions can hold private conversations with people in detention or people with disabilities if they wish to do so.
The commissions use the inspection focal points stipulated by the AOB as guidelines for their work, which bears a great deal of responsibility. They report directly to the AOB about their visits and inspections and carry out assessments of human rights infringements and recommendations on how to prevent these infringements. If the AOB comes to differing conclusions, the commissions are entitled to add appropriate comments to the Ombudsman Board reports.
Each commission consists of a chairperson and members who are appointed by the AOB in line with international requirements on gender parity. The commissions are multiethnic and are composed of people from various disciplines. There are one federal and six regional commissions throughout Austria with about 60 part-time members.
Federal Commission for the enforcement of penalties and measures
The Federal Commission for the enforcement of penalties and measures is responsible for monitoring penal and forensic institutions nationwide. The Commission is headed by Reinhard Klaushofer. The chart below gives you more information about the composition of the Commission.
You can contact the Commission at bundeskommission@volksanwaltschaft.gv.at.
Members of the Commission as from 1 July 2024:
Reinhard Klaushofer chairperson David Altacher member Norbert Gerstberger member Philipp Hamedl member Markus Möstl member Christian Pawelka member Veronika Reidinger member Peter Spieler member Renate Stelzig-Schöler member -
Commission 1: Tyrol and Vorarlberg
Commission 1 is responsible for monitoring institutions and facilities where people are or may be deprived of their liberty in Vorarlberg and the Tyrol. The Commission is headed by Verena Murschetz. The chart below gives you more information about the composition of the Commission.
You can contact the Commission at kommission1@volksanwaltschaft.gv.at.
Members of the Commission as from 1 July 2024:
Verena Murschetz chairperson Regina Brassé member Michaela Brejla member Erwin Egger member Wolfgang Fromherz member Andrea Sigl member Martha Taschler member Thomas Thöny member Christine Thüminger member -
Commission 2: Salzburg and Upper Austria
Commission 2 is responsible for monitoring institutions and facilities where people are or may be deprived of their liberty in Salzburg and Upper Austria. The Commission is headed by Karin Gutiérrez-Lobos. The chart below gives you more information about the composition of the Commission.
You can contact the Commission at kommission2@volksanwaltschaft.gv.at.
Members of the Commission as from 1 July 2024:
Karin Gutiérrez-Lobos chairperson Doris Brandmair member Christine Hutter member Esther Kirchberger member Robert Krammer member Brigitte Loderbauer member Margit Pollheimer-Pühringer member Florian Steger member Ulrike Weiß member -
Commission 3: Styria and Carinthia
Commission 3 is responsible for monitoring institutions and facilities where people are or may be deprived of their liberty in Styria and Carinthia. The Commission is headed by Reingard Riener-Hofer. The chart below gives you more information about the composition of the Commission.
You can contact the Commission at kommission3@volksanwaltschaft.gv.at.
Members of the Commission as from 1 July 2024:
Reingard Riener-Hofer chairperson Julia Krenn member Anna-Maria Lindermuth member Brigitte Mauthner member Johann Pfeifer member Silvia Reibnegger member Claudia Schossleitner member Petra Tranacher-Rainer member Herbert Winterleitner member
Commission 4: Vienna
Commission 4 is responsible for monitoring institutions and facilities where people are or may be deprived of their liberty in Vienna (districts 3 through 19, 23). The Commission is headed by Andrea Berzlanovich. The chart below gives you more information about the composition of the Commission.
You can contact the Commission at kommission4@volksanwaltschaft.gv.at
Members of the Commission as from 1 July 2024:
Andrea Berzlanovich chairperson Bettina Caspar-Bures member Julia Egger member Christina Holmes member Chiara La Pedalina member Hannes Lutz member Christine Pramer member Matthias Unseld member Barbara Weibold member -
Commission 5: Vienna and Lower Austria
Commission 5 is responsible for monitoring institutions and facilities where people are or may be deprived of their liberty in Vienna (Districts 1, 2, 20 through 22) and Lower Austria (political districts Gänserndorf, Gmünd, Hollabrunn, Horn, Korneuburg, Krems, Mistelbach, Tulln, Waidhofen a.d. Thaya, Zwettl). The Commission is headed by Heinz Mayer. The chart below gives you more information about the composition of the Commission.
You can contact the Commission at kommission5@volksanwaltschaft.gv.at.
Members of the Commission as from 1 July 2024:
Heinz Mayer chairperson Josef Baumgartner member Marlene Fetz member Gabriele Fink-Hopf member Caroline Kerschbaumer member Katharina Mares-Schrank member Erwin Meisl member Sabine Ruppert member Ralph Wakolbinger member -
Commission 6: Burgenland and Lower Austria
Commission 6 is responsible for monitoring institutions and facilities where people are or may be deprived of their liberty in Burgenland and Lower Austria (political districts Amstetten, Baden, Bruck a.d. Leitha, Lilienfeld, Melk, Mödling, Neunkirchen, Scheibbs, St. Pölten, Waidhofen a.d. Ybbs, Wiener Neustadt, environs of Vienna). From 1 July 2024, the Commission is headed by Karin Rowhani-Wimmer. The chart below gives you more information about the composition of the Commission.
You can contact the Commission at kommission6@volksanwaltschaft.gv.at.
Members of the Commission as from 1 July 2024:
Karin Rowhani-Wimmer chairperson Süleyman Ceviz member Yvonne Glaser member Bettina-Iris Maderner member Cornelia Sarah Neuhauser member Marlies Neumüller member Martin Ortner member Nadia Soleman member Patrick Clemens Swoboda member