In the 3rd April broadcast Ombudsman Dr. Peter Kostelka was presenting the case of a young woman from Schwarzach/Salzburg, who is an exceptional medical case: In contrast to her twin sister the now 19-year-old woman suffered from serious dental problems from early child-hood on: Her jaw bone developed very badly and due to a strong aplasia only a few teeth could develop. Besides her difficulties with chewing and speaking the emotional stress the girl was suffering from has to be mentioned: She was marginalized during her school time and her professional formation because of the missing teeth. Countless doctors were not able to help her with the dental problem- a martyrium for her family too. Finally the University Clinic Salzburg, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, could administer to her needs and created – by longlasting and painful orthodontic treatments – the prerequisites for the necessary, prothentic sustenance.
The corresponding therapeutic schedule showed costs of 14.000,00 Euro for the extraction with dental crowns, bridges and implants – too much money for the young woman who just started working and her family. Therefore the family got into contact with Ombudsman Dr. Peter Kostelka. He criticised that nobody of the local medical assurance Salzburg felt responsible to discuss the evident problem. Instead of that the mother was shouted to all through the room in the local office oft the medical assurance Salzburg that no financial assistance was possi-ble.
In general, costs for fixed partial denture are not covered by the medical assurance. Therefore, the costs have to be covered by the assured person but in exceptional medical cases like this, when sustenance with removable denture is not possible. In such special cases the local medical assurance Salzburg has to grant subsidies according to its own statute. In addition to that, its aid fund can provide financial support – depending on the economic situation of the person – in the case of such a gross, dental defect.
All in all, Ombudsman Dr. Kostelka locates weaknesses in the Austrian health system in the sphere of dental sustenance. Moreover, he claims the establishment of points of direct advice, assistance and aid for exceptional cases in the area of dentistry.