Professor Ger, former member of the Taiwanese Control Yuan, visited AOB and IOI General Secretariat
After an initial welcome, Austrian ombudsman Dr. Peter Fichtenbauer gave a brief overview regarding the legal basis, mandate and work of the Austrian ombudsman institution. A lively question-and-answer session followed – similarities and differences between the Austrian and Taiwanese ombudsman system were discussed.
The IOI was the second main topic on the agenda. The IOIs mission, tasks and activities were outlined. Special attention was drawn to the benefits provided by IOI for members in Asia. Among these benefits are high-level training, courses such as the complaint handling training course held in Thailand in March 2015, or the IOI-funded research programme which is currently focusing on Asian ombudsman institutions.
The Control Yuan joined the IOI in 1995 and is now celebrating its 20th anniversary as an IOI member. The IOI congratulates its Taiwanese member on this long-time membership.
As a token of long-standing cooperation, Professor Ger presented a taiwanese ink painting to ombudsman Dr. Peter Fichtenbauer.