Austrian NPM publishes English Report On Activities 2023
The Austrian National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) published the English version of its Annual Report 2023. In the year under review, the NPM carried out 505 visits, which provided a picture of the human rights situation in Austria. In addition to positive observations, numerous deficits were identified again in 2023.
Since 2012, the NPM has been monitoring institutions and facilities throughout Austria where persons are or can be deprived of their liberty. These include correctional institutions, detention centres and police stations, but also retirement and nursing homes, child and youth welfare facilities and psychiatric institutions. In addition, the Austrian NPM monitors facilities for persons with disabilities, as well as police operations during large-scale events, assemblies, demonstrations and force returns.
In 2023, the NPM carried out 505 monitoring visits, which provided a picture of the human rights situation in Austria. In addition to positive observations, numerous deficits were identified again in 2023. Some of these deficits could be rectified quickly, while others - especially those tracing back to systemic failures - require a great deal of patience.
The budgetary framework conditions are usually decisive for the situation on the ground. The Austrian NPM therefore reiterated its appeal to Parliament to provide the necessary resources, as sufficient financial means and appropriately, qualified staff are essential factors in creating humane conditions for those deprived of their liberty.